A Mindful Guide to Social Media
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A Mindful Guide to Social Media
About this Book
It’s no secret that the Internet in general and Social Media in particular have changed our daily life to such an extent that we barely remember the way it was before. Especially if you depend on it for your daily work.
The moment we turn on our devices we are instantly flooded with a never-ending flow of information. This flow is very powerful. Possibly addictive. Raw information is like a wild horse. Ride it or be ridden by it?
Find out how you can decrease the distraction factor while maximizing productivity and networking.
Set up your Social Media the right way for getting the news you’d miss via traditional media.
Revealing the “dark side” of Social Media from political mis-use to spamming and privacy issues.
This book does not contain boring case-studies of how this and that company integrated Facebook into their “marketing strategy” and therefore managed to increase their net profit by this and that amount. If you’re interested in that kind of stuff, go somewhere else. There’s plenty of it.